vaporizing the villians!
4 years ago, my little guy Jackson Porter entered this world! OH what a joyous day that was! Sometimes it seems like yesterday, and then others it seems like a lifetime ago!!!! We had a "super hero" party on Saturday and had 7 cute little boys there to celebrate along with his bros and sisters, and Aunt Shelly and cousins. Michael created a super hero was amazing!!! There was a spiderman den, and bat building, the "daily Planet and phone booth" for Super man. We had a vaporize the villian area where the little super hero's shot silly string at the "bad guys" and then threw water ballons at them (that was their favorite). We had bounce house where they could leap over tall buildings. We had them find the kryptonite (glow sticks in the buildings). I made this building was kind of lame but the kids loved it...I had super heros on the ledges and even a spider man crawling up the top pillar with a flag at the top that said Happy birthday Jackson! The pinata was a hit...Thank goodness for Michael....he was a trooper...the part where it was being held on to with the tie broke so he had to hold it up as these little people were swinging all over the place.....Then to top it all off....Michael and Thad dressed up in Spiderman and Batman and came out and talked to the kiddies....Tyler was going to dress in Superman but the costume didn't fit! :( All in all, I think they had a great time and they went home looking like super heroes with their capes an all!! (I made capes out of felt with their initials on them :)
Today he took doughnuts and fruit snacks to school to share with his classmates. They made him a birthday crown and sang to him. When I picked him up we came home and he opened his present from us, Michael and Bunny and Grandma. He loved everything he got...Valerie and Holland and I took him to Mickey D's to eat (Jackson could care less about eating...he had more fun playing on the play place and making new friends...It was so much fun to just sit and watch him laugh and just have plain fun! We came home and put his toys together and we played for a bit.
I love you Jackson!!! I'm so glad that Heavenly Father trusted me to be your mommy! How lucky could a person be???? I love you!!!
Here are some of the questions I asked you today with answers so you can read this in 20 years and get a kick out of it :)
What do you want to be when you grow up? Optimus Prime (he said Batman earlier in the car!)
What is your favorite color? blue
Who is your best friend? Porter
What is your favorite toy? Transformer game
Where is your favorite place to go? the store
What is your favorite food? Pizza, cheese taco, cheese
What is your favorite super hero? Superman
What is your favorite church song? I don't like church songs, and like Rock star!!! (so funny!!!)
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